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Who is behind Sportscaster Life?

Founder and Managing Editor Alex Rawnsley is an award-winning broadcaster based in British Columbia, Canada.

He is a graduate of the British Columbia Institute of Technology and created an early version of Sportscaster Life in 2012. 

Alex believes a strong technical foundation is vital to long-term success in sports broadcasting. Developing skills such as video editing, graphic design and news writing are essential to career development.

In 2019, fellow hockey broadcaster TJ Chillot joined Sportscaster Life as an Associate Editor.

What is Sportscaster Life?

Made by sportscasters, for sportscasters. Sportscaster Life is a collection of resources focused on career and professional development in sports broadcasting.

Sportscaster Life emerged as a way to share experiences as a sports broadcasters grow and develop their careers. If it was helpful, developed a new skill or reinforced an existing practice…it made its way onto Sportscaster Life.