Using Google to help in your career is given in this day and age. Think back…has there been a game where you’ve prepped and NOT done at least one search on Google for a player, a team, a coach or a venue? It’s ingrained in our society of use Google everyday, and it’s become as synomous with internet searches as Xerox has been for photocopying or Kleenex are for tissues.
In the past, I’ve advocated for using Google to help in your prep. Setting up news alerts for key words can be a very useful way to passively prep via your email inbox. I also like Google Docs for on-the-go stats work and using in-built tools in there to sort and process raw data. But now we complete the trifecta courtesy a FANTASTIC article from the Shold Media Group.
Using Google to perform a search on yourself is one of those internet taboo topics. Everyone does it, but no-one talks about it. Now think about that…everyone searches for themselves on Google every once and a while, particularly those who may be in positions of influence or in the public eye. So what would you say if for a very small investment, you could put yourself in front of a potential employer who searches for themselves, or their team.
Introducing Google Adwords as a new tool for your job hunting. It’s all laid out by Taylor Shold as he discusses this very scenario and how to get your website, demo and resume in front of a prospective employer during a moment of vanity.
We’ve all heard of countless stories of creative ways people have tried to get noticed while looking for a job. There are those who put on a suit and wore a sandwich board in Times Square handing out their resume. Students from Seneca College went and gave speeches in front of Toronto’s City Hall on why they’d make a great employee. I saw an package once delivered to my office with a women’s shoe in it with the note: “Just hoping to get my foot in the door” (Side note: I wonder who got sent the other shoe?) One of my favourite stories involved an applicant attaching their resume to a pizza they had delivered to a hiring manager…I never heard how this one turned out though.
The one creative way to get hired that takes the cake for me, is the story of copywriter, Alec Brownstein. He used Google Adwords to get his portfolio in front of the people he wanted to get noticed by…advertising executives.
Click here to read the full article.