The Art (and strategy) of perfecting the soccer goal call

GGOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!! Honestly when you think of ‘soccer’ and ‘goal call’, chances are you immediately go to the prolonged scream that you hear from Mexican, South American and European soccer commentators. However broadcasters who cover soccer on a regular basis know that these fleeting moments in a sports that frequently produced 0-0 results are absolutely imperative…

Handling breaking news on the air

On Saturday October 27th, 2012, I was broadcasting a game between my team and a divisional rival on the road. The game itself wasn’t overly noteworthy, a 1-1 score late in the second period. However my focus quickly turned from the action on the ice to the breaking news developing some 450 miles away. October…

Nicknames and First Names; How to Use Them

Dale Carnegie once wrote, “A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” As sportscasters, we say names more than anything else throughout the course of our call and it begs the question – with all the emphasis on varying words to keep things interesting, does the same apply to nicknames and first…