A little but of shameless self-promotion never hurt anyone right? The Sound Off Podcast is the brain child of Canadian broadcast Matt Cundill. Matt takes a wider ranging look at broadcasting, covering everything from news, to sports, on air and production. Matt himself is a 20-year veteran of the broadcast industry and has transitioned into more of a coaching and mentoring role, working with talent to held make their on-air product shine.
On his January 10th edition, Matt reached out to Sportscaster Life for a look at sports broadcasting and the work that goes into it. We cover a lot of topics including what makes a good spotting board, how broadcasters should interact with players, what the relationship between broadcasters and coaches is like and much more. Also featured is Logan Anderson of Say The Damn Score, who’s podcast is also a good listen.
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Sports is fast becoming the format of choice for graduating media students. With the commodity value of music at an all time low, and news becoming polarizing and at time “fake”, Sports broadcasting attracting aspiring millennial broadcasters.
Alex Rawnsley is the owner and creator of Sportscasterlife.com – a website designed to help Sportscasters get better at their craft. He has made available all the things he wished he had when he was developing as a sportscaster. After spending a few minutes on the site, having access to scoresheets and quick tips on building storyboards was interesting. There are many other resources on the site. www.sportscasterlife.com
We also hear from Logan Anderson and his podcast “Say the Damn Score!”. Check out his podcast here – www.saythedamnscore.com/
I highly encourage you to subscribe to the Sound Off Podcast, you can find it (along with Logan’s) on the Sportscaster Life Podcast Library. Both are excellent listens and provide a unique perspective on broadcasting.