Trying to Broadcast a New Sport

In the summer of 2011, I had a great opportunity to try something new. Prince George, BC (where I was living at the time) was hosting an international baseball tournament featuring teams from Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Cuba and Japan. It was a huge event for the city, hosting major teams with players who have…

The Anatomy of a Goal Call

Not long ago, I got an email from a colleague in the BCHL asking about my goal calls. He was looking for ways to change up his goal call, feeling that it was too repetitive particularly when put into a highlight pack. So I thought it might make for an interesting post if I broke…

Emrick Profiles on HBO

Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a huge fan of Mike “Doc” Emrick. His energy, his vocabulary and his professionalism is all first class. HBO’s “Real Sports” profiled Emrick in November on his career and path to the big leagues. Other pieces on Emrick include SI Media Podcast, Voices Documentary and Game 365 Profile.

Inside Look at FOX NFL Coverage

Thank you to Shawn Sailer for posting this on Twitter. Ever wonder what a major sports production looks like from the inside? Almost 50 million viewers took in last weekend’s Cardinals-Panthers NFC Championship game on FOX, and it pretty much went off without a hitch. When I worked in television production, the analogy we used…

A Broadcasters Road to the MLB

Full credit to Michael Hirn for posting this on Twitter. The Bleacher Report’s Zachary Rymer recently posted a fascinating look at the life of a minor league baseball broadcaster with a dream of making it to the bigs. We all know how difficult it is for players, but it may be just as tough, if not…