Review of Audio-Technica BPHS1

It’s perhaps the most popular entry level headset for broadcasters. At $200, it’s also one of the cheapest options for an industry-standard XLR connection to a mixer. The Audio-Technica BPHS1 Broadcast Headset is a common sight around sporting events when a broadcast is set up. Here are some reviews on the headset from B&H Photo…

McGuire’s Memory Recall

Pierre McGuire is as polarizing character as they come in hockey broadcasting. His undeniable passion is often overshadowed by his delivery and personality on air. However few can deny McGuire’s research and knowledge on player histories, frequently going over European, College and Junior backgrounds of players. It’s that knowledge that shines through on draft-day coverage,…

Improving Your Presentation Skills

Great presentation skills are a powerful asset for a salesperson. Lousy presentation skills are a serious liability. Even if you have the best product, service, delivery, warranty and price, a poor sales presentation can shatter your prospect’s confidence in your company, causing them to run in the other direction. If your presentation skills suck—or aren’t…

The Basics on Video Editing

Video production has become a huge part of the sports broadcasting industry at the grass routes level. Networks extensively have scores of people covering the professional, and in some areas semi-professional leagues. In Junior and lower levels of sport, the video responsibility occasionally falls to the broadcaster, meaning the guy or girl behind the mic…

The Art of the Interview

Interviews are a huge part of a sports broadcasters job. Whether it’s intermission or half-time features or your own talk radio show the art of the interview can be a huge skill for broadcasters to master. Broadcast Now is a website based out of the UK and one of their articles focused on BBC talent…

Using Social Media in your Broadcasts

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+…whatever your poison, social media has become a crucial part of the sports and broadcasting industries. No longer are fans content with a post-game recap and article, now they demand in-game updates, exclusive content and more digital media than ever before. Here is a good article on the use of Twitter and…

Popular Job Posting Websites

There are several sources online for job postings in the sports broadcasting industry. Here are some popular-North American places: Milkman Unlimited This is not a specific sports broadcasting web site, rather one of the most popular job boards for the media industry in Canada. The site posts mainly radio positions, however some do cross over…