Guest Post: My First Hockey Experience

Hi, I’m Logan Anderson, I’m a sportscaster from South Dakota. Alex has invited me to write about the challenges of doing play-by-play for an unfamiliar sport for the first time. Perhaps it’s ironic that on a site that’s run by a professional hockey broadcaster, the sport I tried was in fact hockey. I’ll start by…

Trying to Broadcast a New Sport

In the summer of 2011, I had a great opportunity to try something new. Prince George, BC (where I was living at the time) was hosting an international baseball tournament featuring teams from Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Cuba and Japan. It was a huge event for the city, hosting major teams with players who have…

The Anatomy of a Goal Call

Not long ago, I got an email from a colleague in the BCHL asking about my goal calls. He was looking for ways to change up his goal call, feeling that it was too repetitive particularly when put into a highlight pack. So I thought it might make for an interesting post if I broke…

Improving Your Presentation Skills

Great presentation skills are a powerful asset for a salesperson. Lousy presentation skills are a serious liability. Even if you have the best product, service, delivery, warranty and price, a poor sales presentation can shatter your prospect’s confidence in your company, causing them to run in the other direction. If your presentation skills suck—or aren’t…